New way of gate valve industry development

Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, information technology is changing the appearance of industrial and agricultural production and people's social life. As the terminal valve actuator control fluid movement in the pipeline, if the modern computing technology, sensor technology, networking and remote control technology and intelligent technology to implant the valve products, will be given to the valve with a new concept, which is completely different from the original products of the new structure and working mechanism of valve products to achieve a real upgrade. In recent years, in the regulation valve, safety valve, pressure reducing valve, traps and other products have been found in the first clue.

With the development of technology, industrial production in high temperature and high pressure, cryogenic and high vacuum and strong corrosive, radioactive, toxic, flammable and explosive high parameters of complex conditions increasingly higher demands to the safety and function of valves used in reliability and other aspects of life, so to adapt to the development of various types of valves high parameter condition, has become the natural valve manufacturing, engineering design departments and users of common concern.

Jiangsu Wellhead  Drilling Equipment  Co.Ltd




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